Paintings with a view

Paule Dubois Dupuis’ “My Green Bikini,” oil on canvas, 2005.
Looking at the work of Bay Area artists Sidnea D’Amico and Paule Dubois Dupuis, on display at the Pamela Skinner Gallery (808 R Street) through April 1, is like looking through windows. Although Dupuis mainly paints oils on canvas in vivid hues of crimson, peach and neon green in a free form, some of her softly edged abstracts look like watercolor, as in “My Green Bikini.” The window effect is evident in “Dark Moon Rising,” where rusted sheet metal layered on a textured background creates a sensation of peering through glass at a nightscape. In D’Amico’s “To Each Other, Red Drawing I,” the artist has created an actual window, with a thick resin plate hanging inches away from the simple painted canvas on the wall. Like old glass, the resin is tinted yellow, with folds and creases. It’s a hazy effect, one that magnifies the threads snaking around on the canvas behind, so much that you have to step to the side and steal a peek to see what’s really on the wall. For more information, call (916) 446-1786 or visit