Out of Africa

That’s Erik Aliana on the left and the Korongo Jam on the right.
Six years ago, Erik Aliana quit his university studies in Yaounde, Cameroon, to form a band. He called his six-member, contemporary-African ensemble Korongo Jam—which means “playing guitar” in his native language. Korongo Jam since has become a staple act in Cameroon and has played locations as far flung as the Ivory Coast and France. It’s debatable, however, whether the band ever has played a location as remote as Newcastle. Welcome Erik Aliana and Korongo Jam at their first performance in California on their first American tour. The concert begins at 8 p.m. this Thursday night at Constable Jack’s, located at 515 Main Street in Newcastle. Korongo Jam will play songs from its album, Just Africa, released this month on France’s Les Bouches B label. Call (916) 663-9385 or visit www.constablejacks.com for more information.