Oooh, ahhh? Ahhhhhh.

Sound-Word Index

The trick to navigating various online communities isn’t just about one’s ability to separate the truthful wheat from the liar-liar-pants-on-fire chaff. No, the secret lies in understanding what the hell people actually mean. On the Internet, the difference between “aaaaahh” and “ahhhh” can be epic—any misunderstanding of such could lead to a Courtney Love-worthy flame war. Enter the Sound-Word Index, an online dictionary that, relying heavily on user contributions, endeavors to define common Internet vernacular. Founded by a pair of Royal College of Art graduates, the point is to “translate [the] emotions hidden behind our screens.” Complete with handy audible examples, the Sound-Word Index means you’ll never mix up your “whoop whoops” and “whooooups” again.