One-man firing squad

This guy stops murders.
Photo by Kimo Easterwood
Writer-actor-comedian Christopher Titus has made a living out of sharing his screwed-up life onstage and on screen: abusive, alcoholic, emotionally unavailable father; violent, suicidal mother; and himself a lost boy. Until he found comedy. “With the world moving as fast as it [does], if we weren't dysfunctional, we couldn't function,” Titus said about his family in a recent telephone interview with SN&R. The modern world is so frustrating, “we need comedy to get rid of our desire to kill.” Huh? “We have to get rid of the energy that's building up inside us. It's gotta go somewhere. If everybody went once a week to a comedy club and laughed, that would do it.” You heard the man: Don't kill anyone. Instead, save a life and go see Titus at the Crest Theatre this Friday. Christopher Titus, $25-$35, 8 p.m. on Friday, July 11; at the Crest Theatre, 1013 K Street; (916) 442-7378;