Once was lost

The pages of Found Magazine are full of valuable, albeit vague, information. “Time of the Attack 7:00 AM Est.” reads a discarded Post-It note found in New Orleans. An important bulletin from Hollywood reveals that “Colon Hole will not be performing tonight. We apologize for any disappointment. Thank you.”
Beyond these random words of guidance, Found Magazine—the collection of lost and discarded notes created by Michigan resident Davy Rothbart and bolstered by submissions from readers worldwide—offers a compelling glimpse into the human condition. Personal struggles are illuminated in lost letters: “Amos—Last night was terrible. I’m so mad at you. I thought we agreed about that thing you do … you know? It’s not kinky—It’s gross! … You better get over this, it’s really damaging our sex life—Mary.” A rumpled cocktail napkin bears the defeated scrawl “Alec Baldwin is never going to love you Dammit Dammit Dammit Dammit.” A note that reads, “I wish I won’t flunk 6th grade,” was found tied to a deflated balloon—a single object as poignant as an entire childhood memoir.
The Found empire has grown considerably since Rothbart’s last appearance in Sacramento in December 2002, and it now includes an extensive Web site, a 7-inch record and a published anthology called Found: The Best Lost, Tossed and Forgotten Items from Around the World. In celebration, Rothbart has embarked on a 50-state book tour that will keep him on the road until December of this year—and bring him back to the True Love Coffeehouse this Tuesday. Rothbart will read his favorite Found submissions at 8 p.m. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own finds for sharing. The True Love Coffeehouse is located at 2406 J Street. Call (916) 492-9002 or visit www.foundmagazine.com for more information.