Of farms and forks

Illustration by Mark Stivers
Sacramento doesn't seem to be dropping the “farm-to-fork” tagline or concept any time soon. The inaugural Farm to Fork Week begins Friday, September 20, with an opening reception. Events happen throughout the week at various parks and farmers markets (visit http://farmtoforkcapital.com for the full lineup), and it concludes with (an already sold-out) dinner right on the Tower Bridge on Sunday, September 29. There are even a couple of unrelated farming events happening this week: the third annual Slow Food Sacramento Edible Garden Bike Tour ($10; 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, September 7; https://2013ediblebiketour.eventbrite.com), in which participants tour home gardens in Midtown and downtown on bike; and Soil Born Farms' Grow Your Groceries educational series, which helps train the beginner home gardener (free; 11 a.m. on Saturday, September 7; and 6 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11; www.soilborn.org). An interest in farming and eating organic food is not required, but recommended.