Ocean’s Twelve

The gang from the 2001 remake of Ocean’s Eleven reunites for a series of heists to pay back the original $160 million it stole—but really to add to the $450 million the first movie made. Director Steven Soderbergh and his all-star cast (George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Bernie Mac, Carl Reiner, et al) obviously are having the time of their lives larking about Europe on what is essentially a working vacation, but George Nolfi’s convoluted script is too complicated for its own good. The urge to give everyone equal time plays hell with the pacing, and the film has few of its predecessor’s virtues (snappy dialogue and boozy energy) but all the faults of the Frank Sinatra original (flaccid pace, tourist-trap postcard photography, and good-sport cameos by pals of the stars and director).