NSync: Bigger Than Live

Rated 2.0 “The IMAX Experience” is applied to a series of concerts on the bubble-gum boy quintet’s “No Strings Attached” Tour. Fans of the five will probably get their money’s worth; even at the IMAX rate of $10 a pop, it’s a bargain compared to the price of seeing them live. For the rest, the film falls somewhere between a diversion and an ordeal. Cinematographer John Bailey alternates his camera between close-ups of the boys, long shots of the crowd, and scans of the giant video screen behind the performers (an IMAX shot of a video screen does seem something of a cheat). The songs are pleasant but interchangeable (and frequently obscured by the non-stop screaming of the fans), the choreography energetic—making one wonder if the boys are really singing, or if it’s just their lips that are in synch.