Not for the halter top crowd

Victims Family members Ralph Spight and Larry Boothroyd party in the parking lot.
It’s hard to believe that the Wright brothers—that is, Rob and John—have been around since the early 1980s. While most bands formed during the “punk boom” eventually lost notoriety and respect, NoMeansNo’s awkward mix of algorithm-based punk and lyrical sarcasm has led to well-attended U.S. tours and overseas jaunts, not to mention a devout legion of rabid fans. The Wrights’ latest release is a compilation of 15 songs aptly titled People’s Choice. It spans the group’s career and is a great introduction to one of Canada’s most complex and confusing punk bands. Make that introduction in person when NoMeansNo plays Harlow’s, located at 2708 J Street, on Monday at 9 p.m. Admission is $12. Also on the bill is Northern California’s greatest post-punk trio, Victims Family, whose first album, Voltage & Violets, should’ve earned them a punk Grammy. Visit for more information.