News hooks galore

TJ is one of the stars of Peaceable Kingdom, as well as a staunch animal-rights advocate.
Which news angle will pique your curiosity about the screening of Peaceable Kingdom at the third annual Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival? Perhaps you’ll be interested because the film explores human relationships with animals, including a profile of the owners of Farm Sanctuary. It also focuses on Howard Lyman, that cattle rancher turned vegetarian whose controversial appearance on Oprah ended with the talk-show host in court. Maybe you’ll be intrigued to know that the film inspired California Senator John Burton to commission a report on factory farming, that Jane Goodall called it “a masterpiece” and that SN&R advice columnist Joey Garcia recommended it to her readers. The festival happens at various locations and times Friday through Sunday. Peaceable Kingdom will be shown as part of the Wild World of Animals program at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday at Fellowship Hall in downtown Nevada City. Admission varies, and most shows sell out. Call (530) 265-5961 or visit for a schedule and ticket information.