Music, booze and a chili battle

illustrations by serene lusano
Like a good bowl of chili, the fourth annual Beer and Chili Fundraiser event has a nice blend of ingredients that all play together well to create an even better final product: live music, beer tasting and a cook-off featuring entries from high-profile Sacramento restaurants. Here's the breakdown: Musical performances will come from the Old Screen Door, California Stars and URD-OM; brews will be poured by Track 7 Brewing Co., Lagunitas Brewing Co. and Two Rivers Cider (plus a few out-of-state breweries); and people from River City Brewing Co., Hook & Ladder Manufacturing Co. and Tank House BBQ & Bar will battle each other in the chili cook-off. The whole event's sponsored by Dad's Kitchen and the Grid Agency, and it benefits the Sacramento Artists Council, which strives to keep art in public schools. It happens Saturday, April 18, at Roosevelt Park, 1615 Ninth Street. Find out more at http://sacramentobeerand