Matrix Revisited
Through Sept. 11, Kondos Gallery, SMUD Art Gallery, no cover

PHOTO COURTESY OF barbara milman
In 1977, the Sacramento arts scene, along with the rest of the world, was dominated by the work of male artists. In response, a group of women formed the Matrix Workshop of Women Artists, offering classes, art shows and a mutual support group that grew to 100 members by the 1990s. The collective disbanded about 25 years ago, and they’re holding three reunion exhibits showcasing Matrix artists, two at the Kondos (on display through July 31) and Russ Solomon (through September 23) galleries on the Sacramento City College campus and the other at the SMUD Gallery in the lobby of its S Street customer service center (through September 11). An open reception is being held for the Kondos exhibit July 20 at 12:30 p.m. A separate reception at Russ Solomon Gallery will screen a documentary on Matrix at 5 p.m. the same day, with portraits of the featured artists on display. Kondos and Russ Solomon galleries, 3835 Freeport Boulevard. SMUD Art Gallery: Customer Service Center Lobby, 6301 S Street.