Make out on the bleachers
February 14: Second Saturday Kiss In

With 2.5 million views in one day, it was almost impossible not to catch the “First Kiss” video of 20 strangers kissing for the first time that went viral last year (or to avoid the many, many parodies and think pieces that it inspired). But surprise, surprise: Andy Warhol was way ahead of the curve on this one. His 1963 50-minute film Kiss features various couples—man and woman, man and man, woman and woman—making out for three-and-a-half minutes at a time (which is essentially an eternity when you're watching it on film).
This makes for an especially apt Valentine's Day activity for the artsy set, not only because you'll be watching a weird Andy Warhol film, but because you'll be watching it on artist Nate Page's “couchbleachers,” which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: bleacher-like seating constructed out of various couches. The exhibit is an expression of Page's interest in “cross-pollinating accessible and inaccessible spaces” and will be the seating of choice for numerous activities through March 22.
Should this be your preferred V-Day activity, I urge you to keep the following pro tips in mind: 1. There's a door at the rear of the “bleachers” that provides access to the interior of the structure so you can hang out under the bleachers (and make out, obviously). 2. Andy Warhol eventually followed up Kiss with the 1964 35-minute film Blow Job. Free; Saturday, 6-9 p.m.; Verge Center for the Arts, 625 S Street;