Make ’em laugh

You sort of have to be there to know what’s going on.
It’s Saturday night and you’re stuck at an überswanky restaurant in Midtown with a date who keeps directing the conversation back to varieties of fungus.
What’s a person to do to save the evening—and their sanity?
First: Sneak out of the side door on the way to the bathroom. Next: Make your way to 20th and J streets for awesome laughs. No, not at the cougars so excited to go clubbing they start grinding down on the sidewalk five blocks from the club in 6-inch stilettos, miniskirt and leopard-print blouse.
Instead, laugh at people who want to be laughed at—and who will gladly accept money for the opportunity.
The Sacramento Comedy Spot has moved from Broadway to the epicenter of Midtown for a piece of the entertainment action.
Anti-Cooperation League will be featured during its opening weekend. It’s a long-form improv show that utilizes audience members and commandeers random props from their purses or wallets to inspire scenes. And no, it’s not like the TV show Whose Line Is it Anyway? During Anti-Cooperation League, the improvised scenes stay interconnected by a theme, character or even a word. The Comedy Spot also presents stand-up comedy shows such as Comedy From the Couch and Dare or Dare, which is like Truth or Dare without the truth nonsense.
Since the Sacramento Comedy Spot is expanding its space, it’ll be offering more classes, including various levels of improv, stand-up and sketch comedy classes. It’ll also offer kids comedy classes beginning in January.
The best parts: It’s in a prime location, it’s affordable and it’s very unlikely any date obsessed with funky fungus will discover the hiding spot.