Major figures

Clarence Major, “Daydreaming,” acrylic on canvas, 2000.
Clarence Major is a professor of modern American literature and creative writing at the University of California, Davis. Besides this, he has written nine novels, five nonfiction books, 11 books of poetry and, oh yeah, a collection of short stories. In addition, Major is a painter and has exhibited all over the country for more than 50 years. His painting style? It should come as no surprise that it’s direct and to the point. This month’s exhibit at the Exploding Head Gallery, 924 12th Street, features a series of Major’s paintings, mostly figurative work. They are straightforward and relatively simple in composition and color, and they give the viewer a sense that the artist doesn’t dwell too much or labor over them. Because of this direct approach, some are merely OK, whereas others have this fresh feeling with aspects that zing with spontaneity. The gallery is open Monday through Saturday.