Letters for September 6, 2012

Save gas, support local music

Re “The scene is all right” by Nick Miller (SN&R Feature Story, August 30):

Hey, Sacramento, we are very, very lucky to have such talented singer-songwriters in this area! Especially big names like Adrian Bourgeois, Autumn Sky, David Houston and Sting Theory and Brian Jennings. Awesome.

You do not have to travel to the Bay Area for great original music. The price of gasoline is stupid. Stay here and enjoy. Please go see these people, vote, support our local musicians and bands. Get involved in this event! Yeah! (Loud cheer followed by a back flip.)

April Dayns

Editor’s note: Voting for the Sacramento Area Music Awards begins Thursday, September 6, at www.sammies.com.


Re “The scene is all right” by Nick Miller (SN&R Feature Story, August 30):

First, I’d like to say congratulations to all 2012 Sammies nominees.

Second, I would like to just say what an honor it is to represent the Sacramento music scene. I’ve been active in this area and beyond since 2002. Let’s keep it going! “R&Believe the soul ain’t dead.”

J. Black

Blame the thugs?

Re “Midtown’s worst nightmare” by Nick Miller (SN&R Editor’s Note, August 23):

This is a recurring theme. Every great idea and event to revitalize downtown or Midtown Sacramento has been ruined by these lowlife thugs, who appear as soon as they hear there are a lot of people at events being held in the city, and many times they bring their ugly attitude and guns with them. I am not talking about teens who hang out in groups buying yogurt or ride their bikes and skateboards. I am talking about hard-core thug wannabe gangstas who never visit Midtown on a regular basis to eat at the restaurants or visit boutiques. They are just lowlifes who want “hang out” at popular events and have ruined all events in the central city.

If the city does not get a handle on these thugs and gun-toting gangstas, it will not be long that Sacramento will devolve into the next Stockton and all events will have to shut down because of their actions.

David Gonzalez

Put it on a poster

Re “Here comes health care” by Jeff vonKaenel (SN&R Frontlines, August 23) and “Tamale lady stays” by Nick Miller (SN&R Beats, August 23):

If, as an American citizen, I go to Walmart to sell tamales, make $750 to pay rent (like tamale lady), don’t have a business license, don’t have a sink, etc., and don’t pay taxes—like tamale lady—then what happens to me?

Do I get the same pro bono attorney if, and when, I run into law enforcement? Would the case be dropped, like the tamale lady’s case? Is this ruling a green light for others to head to Walmart?

I think it is—and you will then probably witness selective enforcement. This is effing outrageous!

Also, you’ve gotta love when SN&R CEO Jeff vonKaenel asks the state health secretary about lowering a heart surgeon’s pay, for example, from $700,000 to $400,000, and the secretary gives the response: “Right. I don’t know how to do that.”

Awesome. That should be on a poster.

Noah Kameyer

Pumping not only problem

Re “Restrict pumping, save salmon” by Victor Gonella (SN&R Guest Comment, August 23):

Scientists with the National Marine Fisheries Service would disagree with the rationale of the author. Ocean conditions have been identified as the leading cause for the drop in salmon population. Those conditions have improved, and the result is an increase in the number of salmon that are returning to the rivers and encountering the gauntlet of fishermen.

No one has argued that salmon have been salvaged at the pumps; the argument has been the number. Again, scientists and researchers have identified a much smaller percentage of fish taken at the pumps than the critics of exports have suggested.

The rules governing the flow of water through the Delta that could be exported while protecting salmon were labeled “arbitrary, capricious, and a scientifically unreasonable action” by a federal judge. That same judge directed federal fish agencies in 2011 to rewrite the rules. We’re still waiting the results.

Mike Wade
California Farm Water Coalition

Quit pickin’ on K.J., part one

Re “K.J. Inc.” by Cosmo Garvin (SN&R Feature Story, August 16):

As a mayoral intern this past summer, I was saddened to read Cosmo Garvin’s distortion of my service. While I respect the reporter’s need to question everything, he missed the mark in this case.

Like my peers in the program, I applied specifically to work with Mayor Kevin Johnson on his initiatives, and I’ve had a blast. No doubt, I could’ve chosen a more cushy or lucrative job, but I wanted something more: the chance to help my hometown and become a better leader and person. I’m proud to say I did just that.

At a time of distress and disillusionment, the mayor’s success in bringing young people into public service should be celebrated, not vilified. Surely you can do better than attacking a group of civic-minded student volunteers.

Trevor Jha

Quit pickin’ on K.J., part two

Re “K.J. Inc.” by Cosmo Garvin (SN&R Feature Story, August 16):

After reading Cosmo Garvin’s story, I’m left wondering: So what?

For such a long and overwrought piece, Garvin’s fishing expedition yields precious little: The mayor has a bunch of initiatives his haters resent. He works with people he knows. They focus on things such as housing the homeless and creating green jobs. The city is broke, so he raises and discloses donations from the private sector to get the job done. Other city council members do the same thing at a lower level. Oh yeah, and college kids are helping.

If anything, Garvin’s article made me more appreciative of the mayor. Thanks, K.J.—at least someone is trying.

Stuart Eldridge


In “GOP vs. CEQA” (by Nick Miller, SN&R Beats, August 30), the writer mistakenly identified a state senator from Bakersfield as a Republican; he is a Democrat.