Letters for September 24, 2015

Love K.J., but …

Re “K.J. lawsuit update” by Nick Miller (SN&R Editor's Note, September 16):

As a fan of the Sacramento Kings, it is disheartening for me to hear negative things about Mayor Kevin Johnson. He has been my hero. After all, K.J. almost single-handedly saved the team from moving to Seattle. Yet, I am deeply troubled to learn that the mayor has sued his own city and SN&R over a public-records request, as SN&R has every right to make those requests. This does not look good on the part of the mayor to try to block them from getting records that they are fully entitled to see. Instead, he seems to be endorsing the role of a bully, using the law and his attorneys as weapons of intimidation to others less powerful. As much as I admire Johnson, I also want to know the truth. I have to side with SN&R in their attempts to seek the truth. If there is a pattern of wrongdoing by the mayor, then I think that is very important for the people of this community to know. Let the chips fall where they may.



Safety net or freebie net?

Re “Petitioning compassion” by Raheem F. Hosseini (SN&R News, September 16):

So, if I don’t have a permanent address, or even if I do, I should be able to go to any American city and demand a decent place to stay the night (for free), a meal (for free) and of course medical attention (for free), because I am “homeless”? Because any city that fails to provide all this is “out of step with federal homeless policy” so I can camp anywhere I want and leave a big pile of trash when I leave. And the best part is that I will not be expected to contribute anything in return.

Roland Brady
