Letters for May 28, 2015

This letter …

Re “Cut the K.J. hero worship” by Rachel Leibrock (SN&R Editor’s Note, May 21):

Surely Rachel Leibrock's attack on Kevin Johnson is racially motivated. It's the old tried-and-true tactic of the progressive left: destroy your enemy with unfounded sexual (and other) accusations. It is sad to see the attacks against K.J. just because he is black and the left doesn't like his positions on several issues.

Accusations of sexual harassment by women is the new weapon of women who cannot compete in the man's world of business. Can't get a raise, don't like your boss (or men), or want to get even? Accuse him of some sexual impropriety (maybe he refused “her” sexual advances). This is why many men don't marry and won't be alone in a room with a female worker!

Stop the racist attack on K.J., Rachel and SN&R.

Ken Lauszus

North Sacramento

Disappointing editorial

Re “On racial bias” (SN&R Editorial, May 21):

I am pretty disappointed, but not surprised, by this editorial on racism. I am the 31-year-old son of a black father and white mother. My appearance follows that of my mother. I am discriminated against on a regular basis because of the color of my skin whenever I am at work in certain predominantly black neighborhoods—from “cracker” to actual physical threats of violence all because I look white. Yes, racism is everywhere, but it is wrong to say all of one race is the problem and another is at no fault. I noticed for some of the most ridiculous problems black people blame white people and vice versa. Everyone is an individual and I don’t blame either race I am for my problems. I take responsibility for my own actions as should the editor of this scapegoat story.

Jaden Tobey

via email

More on race

Re “On racial bias” (SN&R Editorial, May 21):

The editorial claims that we have substituted “thug” for the N-word. When I see a “black” person or group of them, I certainly notice their color. If they have a pick in their hair, saggy pants and use the N-word, experience tells me that they are likely to be a thug or aspire to be one. To be sure, that is a stereotype that is unfair, but I would be a moron to ignore my life’s experiences.

If I see a white person who dressed and spoke similarly, I would feel the same. In both cases, I would be a fool to not take into account that people dressed in that fashion, talking and acting like jackasses, are far more likely to be a danger to my safety.

Unfortunately, in my experience, a higher percentage of blacks I meet turn out to be thugs, compared to the percentage of whites I meet. I don’t think that there is a genetic reason why, I just know it’s true.

I have black friends. I treat them the same as all my other friends, at no point have I considered them inferior, based on race. I know that no individual member of a race is responsible for the actions of other members, nor do they all share every characteristic. I would never lump all members together and I would never assert that America’s race problem is solely the fault of people of a certain skin color, like the author of the editorial does. Wouldn’t that be racist?

“America’s race problem? It’s white people.” Please STFU.

Brian La Flamme

via email

Race and self-reliance

Re “On racial bias” (SN&R Editorial, May 21):

I disagree. It cannot be left up to an oppressive group to end their racism, hate, bigotry and persecution over another simply because it’s “about time.” It doesn’t work that way. We as black people must be vigilant in exercising our rights as U.S. citizens, proactive in taking advantage of all that this society has to offer, and take full responsibility for our own lives. And be productive in creating better lives for ourselves and for others. We would also be well advised to speak out for ourselves in identifying and combating inequality and embracing our own culture. Not depending on others to speak for us. Not depending on media to do it for us. The old adage “not part of the solution equals being part of the problem” definitely applies. Until that day comes and we take full ownership of ourselves and our communities, the marginalization, systematic demonization and exclusion will not go away simply because of goodwill gestures. What you allow is what will continue.

Mark Bryant
