Letters for March 3, 2016
What’s wrong with Hillary
Re “Bernie for president?” by Jeff vonKaenel (SN&R Greenlight, February 25):
What is wrong with Hillary Clinton? She earns $11 million in speaking fees to banks and other industry groups, then refuses to release transcripts of those speeches. She accepted $675,000 for speeches at Goldman Sachs. Don’t we, the voters, have a right to know what was said? I think we do. Clinton has a long history of Nixonian-style secrecy, including her work on health care during her husband’s presidency, her emails on a personal server while secretary of state and her richly rewarded public speaking. We need more transparency from Hillary Clinton.
Christine Hansen
No brains
Re “Civil exodus” by Graham Womack (SN&R News, February 25):
You first have to notice a brain exists before it can be characterized as a “brain drain.” The transit system has been allowed to deteriorate and limp along dwelling in fixed mediocrity. Regional Transit head Mike Wiley did nothing to improve the utter contempt his agency had for bike-friendly projects, always very slow to respond to changes that city officials had worked hard to implement in allowing bicycles greater mobility and access to direct commuting routes. As for City Manager John Shirey, his troubling background is well-documented with many redevelopment projects that went over budget and failed to fully comply with original agreements. These agencies left a legacy of huge debt to many cities in California.
Henry Garciga
Hillary’s crumbs? No thanks.
Re “Bernie for president” by Jeff vonKaenel (SN&R Greenlight, February 25):
In his not-unexpected endorsement of Hillary Clinton, SN&R’s publisher Jeff vonKaenel said the difference between Hillary and Bernie Sanders is that Hillary gets things done. … But what has Bernie accomplished? He got Hillary to change almost her entire platform and take his issues and words as her own for the primary campaign. Berners know that it will be difficult for Sanders to get his proposals passed with the current makeup of the congress, including all the Hillary Democrats. That is why we will focus on replacing as many of them as we can next November and in 2018.
How low have our aspirations sunk that we should accept our serfdom and be grateful for the crumbs the ruling class may let millionaire Hillary throw at us? We need a better America. The world needs a better America. We will never get it so long as we keep settling for the crumby candidates the ruling class throws at us.
Jan Bergeron
Bernie beats the GOP
Re “Bernie for president” by Jeff vonKaenel (SN&R Greenlight, February 25):
Jeff vonKaenel states that Mr. Sanders’ nomination would likely result in a Republican president. All polls indicate that that statement is, again, false. All polls indicate Sanders by a landslide. All it takes is for people to vote. And to vote out the do-nothing Congress for a Congress that works, like we do.
Janna Welk