Letters for June 1, 2017

Are you part of the problem?

Re “California submerged” by Julie Cart (Feature story, May 18):

With all due respect to Julie Cart on her comprehensive and well-researched article, we don’t need another eminently reasonable article detailing how our climate is in crisis. We know it is. So any discussion of the issue without placing blame where it lies and advocating for real solutions comes off, in effect, as either obfuscation, a tactic of delay (whether or not it is intended), or just plain whining.

To quote Robert Speer on page 3: “As a resident +of planet Earth, I can’t help but think there is only one story that matters on an existential level: climate change.” He’s right. And unless you drive a vehicle powered by internal combustion only in life-threatening situations or consume the products of animal agriculture in amounts only necessary to sustain health, you can, well, shut the fuck up—until you are no longer a part of the problem.

Riz Koross


Where is the humanity?

Re “Rousted once again” by S. Anderson and R. Hosseini (News, May 4):

Thanks for highlighting the size of the homeless issue around Sacramento and that it is much larger than previously acknowledged. It is the biggest social and community issue of our city and region, far exceeding any need for new sports facilities.

The problem and its magnitude are made more glaring by the fact that K. Johnson and his allies did nothing effective to solve it.

Now we have higher parking prices, more congestion, more restricted buses and a financial obligation that is unlikely to be profitable for the city. And we have a growing homeless population with no solution in sight. Where is the humanity in that?

John Hingtgen<

West Sacramento

Double whammies

Re “Children in debt” by Matt Kramer (News, May 18):

Trying to pay one’s rent and having to work full time, often working two jobs just to survive, leaves more minors home alone. Both parents work to make ends meet, and our teens are reaching out for attention, often by acting out.

Sending the parents a bill is a hardship occurring at one of the toughest times in their lives. Families need counseling, not bills. Michael Rizo made a strong point: His grandmother was angry and couldn’t handle any more bills. His situation went from bad to worse. How can we expect these families to cope? No wonder Rizo lost his way.

Lizzy Stewart
