Letters for January 26, 2017

Show up

Re “Reject and resist” by Sasha Abramsky (SN&R Feature Story, January 19):

Get off your ass! Get off the couch! The turnout Saturday at the Women’s March in Sacramento was huge. It was heartwarming to see thousands of enthusiastic women and men walking and expressing their feelings about the recent inauguration and their resolve to fight for their rights and the future of our country. Women brought their kids; the elderly and disabled turned out in impressive numbers. But for every person in attendance, there were many more who took a pass and followed on Facebook or other social media platforms. To those people, I say clicking “like” on Facebook isn’t enough. Patriotism and activism don’t happen from the couch! There will be many more opportunities. Sometimes it’s all about showing up. You just have to be there.

Maggie Williams


Act up

Re “Reject and resist Donald Trump” by Sasha Abramsky (SN&R Feature Story, January 19):

I grew up protesting the Vietnam War; it worked. I grew up boycotting businesses, products, people, events and ideologies I did not agree with for moral, political and global reasons, and I can tell you that it works. Don’t talk about it; get out in the streets and scream about it. And boycott in every possible way you can. Blacklist this regime from existence!

Debi Earl


The wrong move

Re “The Sacramento Ballet searches for a new director with a fresh vision” (SN&R Page Burner, January 12):

As one of Ron Cunningham and Carinne Binda’s first ballerinas at the Sacramento Ballet, I was deeply saddened and fiercely outraged at hearing the news of their impending dismissal by the board of directors. Over the past three decades, Ron and Carinne took a regional ballet troupe and turned it into an internationally recognized, world-class company with stellar dancers, cutting-edge choreography, and a diverse repertory unheard of for a company of their size and budget. The board has clearly made a mistake in letting Ron and Carinne go. It is time for the board to do their job by marketing, fundraising and supporting the performances, and most importantly, showing Ron and Carinne the utmost respect they have earned.

Nina Baratova-Amato

via email

Toke up

Re “Reject and resist” by Sasha Abramsky (SN&R Feature Story, January 19):

Your paper doesn’t need to give the president advice. You’ll just have to smoke pot for the next four to eight years. That should get you mentally prepared for the next election.

Curt Fry

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