Letters for December 23, 2010
Letter of the week
Fox News was bad first
Re “The Sac 100” by Cosmo Garvin (SN&R Feature, December 9):
I noticed on your list of the Sacramento 100 [in the item on Joe Barr] that Bill O’Reilly and Keith Olbermann were used to frame the overboard opposites examples of what’s seen on cable TV news nowadays. Cool.
But where were all the comments when Foxhole Nooze was the only “news” channel being unbalanced, and for so very long, as well? It took a while for the numbers people to realize that Keith and Rachel [Maddow] could, maybe, dig up some viewers of a different persuasion than Fox, and, if looked into, maybe, finding MSNBC’s content considerably more factual, thus, less like Fox’s and its inspiration: Pravda, only private.
Gary Chew
Let’s at least talk about the dam
Re “Hold your water” by Cosmo Garvin (SN&R Bites, December 9):
If California is going to achieve a future water supply that is reliable, new storage facilities must be a part of that formula. Whether Auburn Dam will be a part of that scenario or not is undetermined, but Rep. [Tom] McClintock’s stated intention to bring it back to the table for discussion warrants a thorough review.
Remember, conservation and continued water-use efficiency will be part of our water future, but an improved conveyance system and increased storage is just as important.
Mike Wade
California Farm Water Coalition
Best wishes for new mosque
Re “The all-American mosque” by Bob Schmidt (SN&R Frontlines, December 9):
I am an American citizen, born and raised in Sacramento, and support the idea and reality of this mosque here in Sacramento. It is true that Sacramento is one of the most integrated cities here inside the United States. We must oppose all forms of division among all peoples.
In terms of ethnic identification, I consider myself a Chicano—a lost tribe—but we need to evolve beyond all superficial labels. I am first and foremost a humane, human being who loves all people and is not prejudice against any religion. I was raised Catholic in a loving Mexican family.
I wish the mosque of Brother Imam Mohamed Abdul-Azeez the very, very best.
Hell, he looks like a Chicano himself!
Peter S. Lopez
Never mind the facts
Re “The all-American mosque” by Bob Schmidt (SN&R Frontlines, December 9):
I don’t trust them, and I don’t care if [Imam Mohamed Abdul-Azeez] is prized by the politically correct crowd in Sacramento and beyond. Not once have I seen any Muslims get on TV or radio to protest against terrorism and Muslim radicals.
Oh, wait—yes, right after 9/11, they came marching onto Cal Expo dressed in red, white and blue, waving American flags to join the rest of [the] Americans for the human flag. Why? Because of the probability of response and wanting to be seen as America lovers. Mosques are built and being built for one reason and only one, and that’s to recruit future terrorist cells and use Allah as a cover.
Kelly G. Munoz
Some people are too mean to sleep
Re “The all-American mosque” by Bob Schmidt (SN&R Frontlines, December 9):
Reading the online comments on this story, my reaction was “Oh, please!”
People complain that Muslims don’t speak out against terrorism. When they do, you say they don’t mean it. How do you sleep at night with such bitter and hateful feelings?
Victoria M.
Support for the enforcer
Re “‘You cannot win’” by Hugh Biggar (SN&R Frontlines, December 9):
If every person would be like [George Louie], the [Americans with Disabilities Act] would be fully enforced. Businesses have had 20 years to make plans for remodeling to make them accessible. What I would like to see more of is suits against the community redevelopment agencies for not using community money to make much-needed accessible homes for people with disabilities and seniors. I can’t wait to see baby boomers enforce the law.
Daniel Garcia
via e-mail
Still waiting for access
Re “‘You cannot win’” by Hugh Biggar (SN&R Frontlines, December 9):
As a disabled person myself, I understand why Louie is providing the “wake-up call.”
Sadly, the ADA was signed in 1991, and here we are, 10 years later, unable to access the community we live in.
Until you fully understand how businesses refuse to comply outright and won’t even check into the assistance they could receive in managing the costs of accommodations, please do not spout ignorance! As citizens of the community, total inclusion means simply that—include us!
Spend a day using a wheelchair and see just how much you can accomplish. We pay our electric, gas and water [bills], and grocery-shop like any other community member. All we are asking in return is a little respect by having the ability to do so!
Jean Wood
via e-mail
Awake with the beat doctor
Re “Beat doctor” by Josh Fernandez (SN&R Music, December 9):
This is the best album I have heard in a very long time. Styles 1001 brought back the true essence of hip-hop, not the fake music we are hearing now. Don’t sleep on this album or this producer.
Ressa Washington
Unless you’re reusing the bag, it’s not green
Re “Green fashion and tea” by Jonathan Mendick (SN&R Eco-Hit, December 2):
About that bit on eco-fashion with a picture of a designer cutting a garbage bag on a model to wear as a dress, while reusing material is a very green practice, I’m assuming that model was not wearing a used garbage bag. There’s nothing green about wasting a product derived from petroleum for a five-minute runway walk.
Sure, it’s just one bag, but it’s this kind of green washing that squanders the credibility of the larger green movement.
I’m surprised that Haute Trash doesn’t get it, and I am also surprised that this point evaded both Mr. Mendick and your editorial staff. SN&R usually gets it right.
Kent Thompson