Letters for August 9, 2012

Learning the hard way

Re “Riches to rags in Roseville” by Corbyn Hightower (SN&R Feature Story, August 2):

I’ve never felt compelled to comment on any of your stories before, but this one touched me in a personal way. Though many people struggled with poverty in this country before the crash in 2008, I was like this family and had not realized what that meant. I, too, came to realize after losing the material wealth earned in previous years what was actually important in life. Like many people living paycheck to paycheck, I sold my car and now ride my bike and grow a garden in my backyard to help stretch what little money I have. Though this lifestyle is still more idyllic than how many in actual poverty live, it is a huge culture shock for previously affluent people.

Still, now I know, much like the family in the story, how to make do with what I have, how to slow down and take in the small pleasures in life, and I have connected with my neighbors in a way that was impossible with a busy, modern and upper-class lifestyle. I would not change it for the world.

Sarah Roberts

Stop the gutter language?

Re “Shop ’til you’re stopped” by Cosmo Garvin (SN&R Bites, August 2):

I am deeply disturbed by Cosmo Garvin’s use of an expletive in his column. I expect articles to be educational and informative, perhaps inspiring meaningful discourse. For me, Garvin’s crude language diminished the value of his article.

Have we become so crass that gutter language in print media has become acceptable? Am I old-fashioned to expect to read a newspaper free of curse words? I don’t read SN&R very often; if this is indicative of the standards your editors have, I doubt that I’ll read it again. I’m just glad that it was free, and that I didn’t waste my money buying it.

K. Crews
via email

Another bike-theft victim

Re “Steal this bike” by Raheem F. Hosseini (SN&R Feature Story, July 26):

Thanks for the article on bike theft. My gate was broken into on July 15—Tahoe Park area—in the wee hours, and my beloved Phat Aloha 3 turquoise-and-white bike with the customized wood-and-chrome expandable racks on the back was stolen, along with other items—including clothes from my back patio—as we slept.

I check Craigslist every day, but have yet to find my beloved cruiser. The police call it “petty theft,” but they broke into my residence, so that makes it burglary. I have registered on www.stolenbikeregistry.com, but I’m doubtful it will ever be found.

Your article hit home, as I see other neighbors have gotten their bikes stolen as well.

One might ask: Where are all these bikes going? This problem is out of control and somehow needs to be stopped.

Bobbie Felt Armstrong

Tamale lady got off easy

Re “Deporting the tamale lady” by Nick Miller (SN&R Frontlines, July 26):

Your reporter states that “the tamale lady” was busted “for her sole transgression: selling tamales outside of Walmart.” What a conveniently shallow interpretation of the facts.

I’d say she got off easy. There were many obvious transgressions she should be busted for including: health-code violations, tax evasion, operating a business without a license, failing to follow the direct order of law enforcement, and being in the United States with no apparent legal right to be here. I think if all she’s charged with is trespassing, she’s getting off easy.

It is fair that anyone charged with a misdemeanor or worse should be forced to prove their legal right to be here, and I do not believe for one minute that a deputy said something that mean to the 10-year-old kid. If he did, he should be disciplined or fired. But I don’t buy it. I believe that someone put that kid up to saying those things to set up a civil-rights lawsuit.

I wonder how much per hour that lawyer will charge for wiping the tears off of her client’s face? Just because someone sneaks over the border without any money does not give them a free pass to break our laws or to ignore the orders of law enforcement in the name of making a living.

Ben Bannister

Fernandez writes stunted prose

Re “Trip out! Potential for murder” by Josh Fernandez (SN&R Feature Story, July 19):

Wow. I want that few minutes back. I have never read such a load of crap.

The Josh Fernandez piece was a waste of time. I could be wrong, but he sounds like a narcissistic individual who attempts to shock the readers with stupid references, like the Zodiac Killer. Nobody cares. He seems to be stuck in his early teens, like the Goth/shock teenager that needs to use sensitive issues to gain attention. It’s so old. It only works if you’re between 12 and 14 years of age; after that, it’s just pathetic dribble about homicide, death and whatever dark issue that adults are not stimulated by anymore. It’s already been done.

I hope Josh can write something original next time and not just leftovers from his dark teen identity, trying to inflame people. I don’t see the potential. Just stunted prose.

Candace Baez
via email


In “Riches to rags in Roseville” by Corbyn Hightower (SN&R Feature Story, August 2), a photo was credited to Hightower instead of In Her Image Photography. We regret the error, which has been corrected online.