Letters for August 17, 2017

We hear this week from two grandmothers(!), as well as passionate thoughts about water fountains and an idea for President Trump’s children

New editor is deluded

Re “The most basic need,” by Eric Johnson (Editor’s Note, August 10):

Thank you for drawing attention to the city’s lack of access to water. For years we have addressed this at city council meetings, only to be ignored. However, I am appalled by your delusions concerning [Mayor Darrell] Steinberg. He says a lot of good things, but his actions go the opposite direction. He has done nothing to resolve the homeless situation and is following KJ’s plan on the issue while trying to claim credit for it.

In reality, he has actively been working to further criminalize our existence and resisted any ideas that would have an impact that doesn’t benefit his developer buddies. I guess when you live inside he looks great. Stop letting his gaslighting convince you of his merit.

James “Faygo” Clark


via sactoletters@newsreview.com

Spend the money now

Re “Fountain of truth,” by Michael Mott (News, August 10):

The city just received a huge grant for homeless initiatives. There’s no reason they can’t allocate a portion to repair and build fountains in the downtown/midtown area where there’s a large concentration of the unhoused population. They can work on finding the money in the Parks and Rec budget for maintenance once they have them in place. It’s urgent and can’t be put off.

Dennessa Atiles

via Facebook

Don’t break nice things

Re “Fountain of truth” by Michael Mott (News, August 10):

I’ve always joked that by building the Golden 1 Center, we are aiming for Rome, but if we don’t take care of the people of this metaphorical Rome, then history will repeat itself. On the other hand, the people need to stop breaking all the public property in town.

Marcus Anzelone

via Facebook

That’s my boy!

Re “Rumbles from the underground,” by Aaron Carnes (A&C, August 10):

Real nice article about Jeffrey Harris. Keep up the good work exposing residents to other interested people. I am Jeffrey’s great grandmother in Las Vegas, so I am a little prejudiced in his favor. I am real proud of him trying to do so much for others. He is also an excellent father who loves his children. May he have every success.

Gloria Robinson

Las Vegas

via newsreview.com

And that’s my boy!

Re “Keep it honest,” by Aaron Carnes (Music, August 10):

Alex Salveson is my grandson and I am hecka proud of how far he has come with his artistry in music. Keep reaching for your dreams. You’re on your way. He definitely takes after my son and his father Andrew, who taught him well. I’m one very proud Grandma.

Alice Salveson

Rio Linda

via newsreview.com

Draft Donald Jr.

Donald Trump continues to play to his doomsday crowd and base. The rhetoric President Trump has been using shows what a madman we have sitting in the White House. Donald Trump says the military is “locked and loaded.” Are Americans ready to be dragged into another Republican war like Iraq and Afghanistan? A good idea: Let’s let Trump’s kids and Republican politicians’ kids be in the first wave of those invading North Korea.

Ron Lowe

Nevada City

via sactoletters@newsreview.com