Letters for April 30, 2015

K.J. and the IRS

Re “Special delivery” by Cosmo Garvin (SN&R News, April 23):

The blurring of lines between private and public by government officials opens the doors to jeopardizing the rights of citizens to expect privacy in their own homes. The Internal Revenue Service requires businesses to physically separate business activity from home activity. This ensures accurate accounting of funds incoming and outgoing for the purpose of paying their “fair share” of taxes to support the community. Business owners who slop over this requirement set themselves up for auditing and all the misery the IRS may desire to visit upon the errant merchant. Government heads who slop over the requirement of accountability set themselves up for all the rancor and misery the taxpaying public may desire to visit upon the errant official.

Patricia Kelley

Fair Oaks

Sweet knowledge

Re “Sugar & vice” by Mary Duan (SN&R Feature Story, April 23):

Kudos, this article is a real eye-opener! Recently, the issue of sugar has become more of a concern for me in my quest to eat healthier. As I learn more from documentaries and articles like this one, I become more disturbed by the powers of big business and their influence on our government. Only through the spread and exchange of information can people become aware of the secrets that are being kept from the public! The people should be able to determine what they want to consume and ingest, but it should not be a mystery as to what is inside the things they choose.

Ric Sior


Stick to the facts

Re “Sugar & vice” by Mary Duan (SN&R Feature Story, April 23):

The beverage industry agrees that putting clear information at consumers’ fingertips is the best way to empower Californians so they can make informed decisions. That’s why the nation’s largest beverage companies voluntarily added easy-to-read labels to the front of every can, bottle, and pack produced in support of first lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move!” campaign. In addition, the beverage industry removed full-calorie sodas from all schools across the country and replaced them with a variety of lower-calorie and smaller-portion choices, driving a 90 percent reduction in beverage calories in schools. CalBev is committed to providing information, options and support to help consumers achieve a balanced lifestyle. Ultimately, Californians need—and want—fact-based information, not sensational safety warning labels, to make the choices that are right for them and their families.

Bob Achermann

executive director, CalBev

Climate change, why bother

Re “Lets get under 350” (SN&R Editorial, April 23):

What your editorial misses is that unless the rest of the world changes their ways, no matter what expense and burden you suggest and impose on us poor Californians, it won’t make a difference. The rest of world doesn’t look up to us.

This Californian is so tired of carrying the burden and expense for the rest of the world. I urge rejection of Senate Bill 350.

P.S. You are right to suggest that the pursuit of oil has been a bane to this country for well on 130 years, setting disastrous foreign policy decisions that end up blowing up in our faces: for example, overthrowing Iran in the ’50s and look where we are today.

Michael Santos
