Letters for April 14, 2016

Baseball is elitist

Re “Strikeout” by Graham Womack (SN&R Feature Story, April 7):

There are many reasons that are cause for this. I took notice that MLB created Latin-American academies based upon cheaper development of players and less competition (no player draft) to access the talent. Do not dismiss or minimize economics. It is a very valid cause. The community Little League has lost its potential players to travel teams or other sports, such as soccer. In addition to complaints that the game is too slow and boring, baseball has become an elitist sport to participate in.

Craig Jordan


Invest in youth

Re “Strikeout” by Graham Womack (SN&R Feature Story, April 7):

If MLB could take some of the billions of dollars that they bring in and work with people like Jerry Manuel, who are far too few at present, to instill the love of the game in our youth and give them the facilities they need, they would also be helping themselves down the road. I was in a family of six kids, and with money in short supply I would get my bat and glove and a baseball and play all day. … I challenge MLB to invest in our youth and hire some passionate people that can identify the best way to give our youth the opportunity to discover this timeless game. Please don’t let it disappear while you still have the chance to salvage it for our future generations. Thank you, Graham Womack, for all your passion and love that you share with the rest of us. Go Pirates!

Jim Black

Shawnigan Lake

Another ‘poor people are lazy’ email, sigh

Re “Strikeout” by Graham Womack (SN&R Feature Story, April 7):

The problem is not due to the disparity in income levels between two ethnic groups. The NCAA reports that 51 percent of African-American males receiving a full athletic scholarship take six years to complete a four-year program, while 49 percent never graduate at all. Money is not the issue here. … Don’t confuse being poor with being lazy.

Terry Carmichael

via email

More MLB players are nonwhite

Re “Strikeout” by Graham Womack (SN&R Feature Story, April 7):

Like many articles written about this topic, what’s left out is as important as what’s written. Yes, if you focus on African-American players, the number of minorities can seem small. But a much larger percentage of MLB players are nonwhite, just not African-American. … Twisting numbers and misapplying labels to players does a disservice to truth as well as to the players themselves.

James Williams

Arlington, Texas