Legend of Bagger Vance, The

Full of clichés and predictable action,
The Legend of Bagger Vance still manages to demand audience attention. Robert Redford directed a movie that proves Will Smith can really act (as opposed to blowing things up and delivering one-liners with attitude). In this Zen-and-the-art-of-golf movie, Vance (Smith) comes out of nowhere to help WWI veteran Ranulf Junuh (Matt Damon) regain his swing. The clichés continue to pile up when Savannah’s hometown hero, Junuh, is pitted against two professional golfers in an exhibition match intended to save a country club from Depression-era ruin. Although the outcome is predictable, the movie is entertaining. Matt Damon gives an adequate performance as Junuh; Charlize Theron is a natural as a whiny, spoiled Southern belle.