Legend of a healthy doughnut

Illustration by Brian Breneman
In a kingdom far, far away (Roseville), there are what is said to be “the world's healthiest donuts.” And they are vegan. Somewhere deep in the woods (in a building in the old part of Roseville) is Dr. Bob’s Donuts & DoYos. The doughnuts are said to be steamed, not fried, made with “Organic Sustainable Clean Ingredients,” and instead of a hole, there's a heart stamped in the center, which the famished can cover with a rainbow of sweet glazes and toppings, including coconut-milk vegan frozen yogurt. So I politely asked a dragon (no animal exploitation on this journey) to take me on the long (30 minute) trek. Alas, we did not come across where X marked the spot on the map—and my dragon wasn't equipped with GPS. Drat. For now, we can visit Dr. Bob's online at www.drbobsmix.com. The shop is only open on weekends, so plan that journey accordingly.