Last Cup: The Road to the World Series of Beer Pong
Dan Lindsay’s fun Last Cup: The Road to the World Series of Beer Pong is a worthy entry into the pseudo-sports documentary canon, a subgenre that has offered some of the best films in recent years (Hands on a Hard Body, Spellbound, The King of Kong, Murderball). Last Cup focuses on the frat-house staple beer pong, a “sport” built entirely around throwing pingpong balls into plastic cups and chugging brews. There’s a bit of a secondhand smell to Last Cup, and Lindsay borrows everything from the lord-of-the-losers character portraits to the Joe Esposito chestnut “You’re the Best” from the superior King of Kong. No one emerges as a singular character—most of the players are unapologetic douche bags—but the tone is light, and it’s hard not to like a documentary in which 100 percent of the interviewees are drunk.