Kings of food service?

Illustration by Mark Stivers
SN&R's often criticized for being skeptical about the benefits of the new arena. Fine—because such skepticism often leads journalists closer to the truth than if they just take everything at face value. Nevertheless, I'm mostly optimistic after recent announcements about the partnership between Legends Hospitality and the new Sacramento Entertainment and Sports Center. I have every reason to believe Michael Tuohy (Block Butcher Bar, LowBrau) will be an amazing executive chef. Plus: Tuohy, Patrick Mulvaney, Randy Paragary and Randall Selland comprise the new food program's advisory council. Legends has previously partnered with the Yankees, the San Francisco 49ers and FC Barcelona. A press release promises “90 percent of food [and] beverages will be locally sourced within 150 miles.” KJ's already coining it “farm to court.” I'd sure be impressed if LowBrau or Block's food made it into the ESC. But what if out-of-town vendors from as far as Redding, Reno and Monterey (which are technically “within 150 miles”) outnumber Sacramento's? Or if everything's just too darn expensive? Could we then call it “farm to fail”?