Julia Butterfly Hill

Hill ponders her next environmental action.
We all sense that we could do more to help the Earth and people in need, but it’s difficult to know how. A meeting with an inspirational individual can shake us from our indecision. Julia Butterfly Hill, the woman who lived in a 1,000-year-old redwood tree for 738 days until she was able to negotiate for the tree’s protection, is coming to Sacramento to do just that. On Friday at noon, she will join the community at the Ron Mandella Community Garden (14th and Q Sts) to talk about saving our 30-year-old garden. Later that evening, she’ll read from her new book, One Makes the Difference, at 7pm. Tower Books, 2538 Watt Ave. Saturday, you can catch her at the Whole Earth Festival at UC Davis. Be warned, your apathy may vanish in her presence. Visit www.circleoflifefoundation.org for info.