Jordi Savall (et al)
Du temps & de l’instant

Moments in time is the English title of this new album from Jordi Savall and family, who offer a collection of remote, ancient pieces that reach across the centuries and touch the spirit. The album contains music from as far back as the 11th century, when East and West were melded. It’s utterly beguiling, always lyrical and at times exotic, with song sources ranging from Spain and France to Afghanistan and Greece. The haunting voices of Montserrat Figueras and daughter Arianna Savall are complemented by Jordi Savall’s pensive viol. Arianna and Ferran Savall sing with stunning immediacy and easily could slip into the pop-music world. The supporting musicians, meanwhile, bow, pluck and strum their accompaniment with sphinx-like appeal, and with occasional punctuation from percussion.