Jason Bourne

“So friggin’ tired of this.”

Fugitive former spy Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) is still scouring the world for clues to his true identity. Meanwhile, the CIA, with nothing else to do and showing a go-everywhere-and-see-everything efficiency that the agency only has in movies like this, plots to find and kill him. Director and co-writer (with Christopher Rouse) Paul Greengrass returns after a four-year hiatus in the Bourne franchise, which was enough to coax Damon back as well. Following the convoluted story is getting to be more trouble than it’s worth, but Greengrass holds our interest with some high-adrenaline action scenes—including a climactic chase through Las Vegas that appears to kill bystanders by the hundreds (though not enough to jeopardize the PG-13 rating). Alicia Vikander, Tommy Lee Jones and Vincent Cassel co-star. J.L.