It’s a power-chord Christmas

Don’t let the charming album art fool you. There will be pyrotechnics.
The death of hairspray rock and the heavy-metal invasion of the ’80s left a plethora of musicians in need of a day, err, night job. Former Savatage member Jon Oliva, keyboardist Robert Kinkel, and producer/musician extraordinaire Paul O’Neill became the core songwriters of one of the longest running Christmas-themed institutions: the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. A heavy dose of rock ’n’ roll, a heaping dollop of classical music and some well-trained opera singers result in one of the season’s biggest-selling live attractions. The touring troupe features a bevy of studio musicians that has included Testament’s Alex Skolnick, Megadeth’s Al Pitrelli and others. Since its inception in 1996, the orchestra has amassed enough material to make last year’s The Christmas Trilogy box set. Now fans of both operatic rock and Santa Claus have something to wax nostalgic about every winter. Trans-Siberian Orchestra plays Arco Arena on Saturday at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tickets are $47.75 on the main floor, $27.75–$47.75 for the lower level, and $27.75 for upper-level seats. All ages are welcome.