Is it “art” yet?

Uberkunst in action: Verweisen Sie Bohrgerät in Richtung zum Nabel, wenden Sie Druck an, beleuchten Sie Sicherung, erhalten Sie weg!
It’s Magnolia Thunderfinger’s last show, ever … at least until they “reunite” for more final shows. So why are we touting this instead? Simple. The night of Friday, July 12, will be a nuthouse at Old Ironsides, and if you’re reading this, you’re probably an art snob like us who knows that since rock ’n’ roll is owned lock, stock and shotgun barrel by Clear Channel and Viacom, why go get snockered and pump your fist in the air with a bunch of goatees in gas-station shirts when you can witness serious “art damage” mere blocks away? Jawohl, Uberkunst is celebrating the release of Making Fun Difficult, its new CD, at Café Mexicas—otherwise known as Pete’s Deli, Drago’s, Café Montreal, Café Chugalug and Café Paris—at 2326 K St. that night, with Shizmo, Nilsiphter and Delayed Sleep (don’t feel bad, we’ve never heard of ’em, either) also on the bill. Cover’s $5 if you’re over 21 and $6 if you’re over 18 (sorry, kids), festivities commence at 9 p.m., and you’ll get a free Uberkunst CD with admission. Satisfactory, nein?