
Rated 3.0

The tension in this comedy/drama lies between a “tolerant,” secular, 40-something couple and their teenage daughter, who secretly goes on a church retreat (to Mom's great distress). But the story's core is actually the parents. Their marriage, and respective careers, have stalled out; they're almost rudderless, especially when facing an inquisitive girl exploring something they've always avoided discussing—religion. Along the way, the show transitions from comedy into something resembling drama (with mixed results). The show's reach exceeds its grasp but contains several telling and effective scenes. Tu 6:30pm; W 2pm & 6pm; Th, F 8pm; Sa 5pm & 9pm. Through 4/19. $23-$35. B Street Theatre, 2711 B St.; (916) 443-5300; www.bstreettheatre.org. J.H.