Inside Deep Throat
Universal Studios Home Entertainment

Open up and say ah. Shot for $25,000 in six days and starring a 23-year-old Linda Lovelace as the sex kitten whose curious anatomy gave the film its title, 1972’s Deep Throat became a mainstream phenomenon that, along the way, created a political firestorm, kick-started a sexual revolution and pocketed its Colombo crime-family investors a reported $600 million profit. Using actual film clips, archival footage and interviews with celebrities and many of the (surviving) participants, this entertaining documentary takes the viewer on a journey from the hedonism and censorship battles of the early ’70s, through the dawn of home video in the ’80s to the present, where the “skin flick” is now a multibillion-dollar industry and just a mouse click away. The DVD is available in R-rated and NC-17 editions. Go for the NC-17.