“In my lifetime I have seen many things”
Hip-hop, family and the future: SN&R and 916 Ink give voice to south Sacramento's young boys and men of color

Shomara “Issa” Jackson
All photos by Shoka
Words. They’re free and unlimited, but sometimes they’re the most valuable things a person possesses.
Words shape ideas. Words give voice. Words are power.
The people at 916 Ink understand this—it’s just one reason the arts-based literacy nonprofit teaches writing workshops for Sacramento-area students. It’s also why they put their students’ words to paper, regularly publishing books of collected works and hosting literary readings to share those words with an audience.
One such anthology, The Enchanted Noise of Crooked Names, came out of the result of the M.I.C.’ed Up! program, led by local poets Marichal Brown and Vincent Kobelt. The book features prose and poetry from seventh- through 12th-grade boys and young men of color from the south Sacramento area. In all, more than 50 students participated with funding provided by the California Endowment’s Building Healthy Communities initiative. Workshop members will read their poetry on Tuesday, October 14, at the Brickhouse Gallery.
The writings took shape over the course of several months earlier this spring as the students met regularly at various schools, the Oak Park Community Center and the Brickhouse Gallery. The workshop’s curriculum, according to Brown, was “created around the language of hip-hop.”
Or, as he writes in the book’s introduction: “The plan [was] to introduce the youth to poetry through the way of hip-hop … [which] plays a major part in the lives of young people of color throughout our global community.”
Many of the students had never written poetry before but, says Kobelt, the students embraced their assignments with passion.
“The word is our medium and what the word is—when it hits the page—is art and sound, joined together to express thoughts and concepts, to communicate meaning and understanding,” he says. “We write then to express ourselves and to get a glimpse of whom we are and we read to relate to others and to get understanding of the numerous relationships that people are engaged in.”
916 Ink founder and executive director Katie McCleary explains it this way:
“Young men of color often suffer from a variety of injustices, including disproportionate poverty rates, school suspension and expulsion rates, poor health outcomes, and incarceration rates,” she says. “At the end of the day, the act of writing, and reading, creates empathy.”
Following are poems from seven M.I.C.’ed Up! participants, all exclusive to SN&R. With topics touching on family, ambitions, personal expectations and relationships, they’re at once powerful and personal, political and provocative, deeply honest, musical and moving.
Shomari “Issa” JacksonAge: 17
Secret talent: I was the school mascot last year. I also can act a little bit.
Idea of perfect happiness: Walking with God and keeping family close.
Personal hero: Ashanti Jackson, my big brother, because he stays motivated and is always a person I can go to when things really bother me.
When I grow up I want to: Teach the world through words and lyrics.
I got a father, 3 sisters,
a bro, and a mother
but what’s missing in
this picture is my own
twin brother a clone,
my mamas gut was me
and his home
but home killed my
bro which left me
“im sorry that the
world will never get to
meet ya”
God said shake it off
so when I was young I
had a seizure
cautiously watched
while going to bed
always thought
something’s missing
but that explains the
hole in my head its
birth defects
born with bad
penmanship, they say
im disabled write like
a baby, this pens
meant for me to cradle
he said “bro im not
gone’ make it the
as my mom screams to
God don’t take him
he touched her cheek
and said “im still your
child but im on my
way to peace
Issa needs you now
he’s in this world to
make you proud”
that’s why im standing
on this stage spittin
poems loud premature
born 4 pounds just out
of 14 ounce… wow
they say small things
come in big packs
they never said It
causes damage to ya
mamas back that’s not
the fact the fact that
it’s a wrap… literally
with umbilical cord
around his neck all
because we was kickin
see, we was kickin
because it was a race
to see our mamas face
but too much energy
through the chords
was sparkin out of
place but hes dead
because we was kickin
so if that’s the case
then my boys asked if
we was gonna “kick

Elston Hardin
It” today
I said “nah tryin out
for soccer teams never
worked” I got cut
scared to kick it
if all shoes was called
kicks I’d wear socks
theres a reason why I
don’t kick in a fight
that’s why I box
and ill be DAMNED
if somebody told me
to leave scratch that if
they told me to “kick
as an infant I was
hooked up to more
wires than a cable box
it took a while for me
to come home
still struggling to live
as he rest his body
under a tombstone
theres a reason with
the four pounds he
It stands for…
Lifeless Before
and its love when they
got hope for you
but even hope don’t
got room cause then
there wasn’t hope for
my older brother
stayed focused dude
im missing one so you
could kinda
understand why im so
close to you but
divorce caused a rage
so im taming a beast
angered inside of me
I used to snap more
than a crowd watchin
a poetry piece
so naturally I don’t
like separation
my family separated
leaving me stuck with
bullshhhhhh that’s
all im tryna say is
everybody has a story
so tell it the right way
get a pad and a pen
and you could write
and all I gotta say is I
got a father 3 sisters a
bro and a mother but
whats missing in this
picture is my own
twin brother.
Elston HardinAge: 15
Secret talent: I can hold my breath for one minute and 30 seconds.
Idea of perfect happiness: Sitting on my front porch on a cloudy day.
Personal hero: My mom, because she's always encouraged me to be the best I can be and then some.When I grow up I want to: Write more books!
“At this Table”
At this table I learned to talk.
I learned to listen and forgive.
To hate and appreciate what I have, have had, and don’t have.
At this table I have a family.
A joking, kidding, hurt-but-now-healing,
broken-but-now-mending family.
People I care about yet don’t really know.
I wonder If they care too.
At this table I learned a lot of things,
that will make a grown man scream or
an actor skip a scene.
At this table I found a new family
for a while.
At this table our voices are heard.
They can be shared and

Rodney “RoRo” Brown
not stared at like outlaws.
At this table we grow,
we blossom,
we become the unthinkable.
At this table
we stand and
fight for what we truly believe in.
At this table we take the yes and
destroy the no.
I mean we really beat the H-E-double-hockey-sticks out of no, and
make him say yes.
We are warriors at this table.
We are leaders, humans, with our own voices and
it’s time to lead our future generation.
Rodney “RoRo” BrownAge: 12
Secret talent: Poetry.
Idea of perfect happiness: Family.
Personal hero: Barack Obama, because he was the first black president and he leads people.
When I grow up I want to: Go into engineering because I enjoy math and dealing with angles.
“In My Life Time”
In my lifetime, I have
seen many things.
From hatred,
prejudice, to Obama,
the American Dream.
I have seen Hip Hop
take over and soldiers
die at war.
Gangs kill each other,
Oscar Grant die at the
hands of another, the
news never a bore.
I have prayed so hard,
my poor little knees
are sore!
I did not see nor hear,
the ’60s and ’70s
anthem, Black Power.
I did see the outcome
of Hurricane Katrina,
and the falling of the
Born way after the
’80s AIDS epidemic,
the inner city crack
epidemic. Even
though the other day
I witnessed a 17 year
old’s reaction,
to being born with
crack in his system.
The other day I saw a
man with no arms, and
one leg in the store.
I listened as he
explained how he lost
it in the Iraq War.
The part I didn’t get
was this, he’s a
Veteran; America is
his home,
but he was broke and
I’ve seen racial
tensions, I’ve seen the
economy fall quickly,
I’ve seen families fall
apart after the elderly
fall sickly.
I’ve seen Murder,
Mayhem, Corruption,
and Scooby Doo
through the T.V.
But I will not fall,
because I see Family.
Thank you Family,
thank you for GOD.
As in those famous
words, I Have a
In my 12 years of
you can only imagine What I Have Seen!
Kartik SinghAge: 12
Secret talent: I draw things in nature and play the piano.

Le’on Abbot
Idea of perfect happiness: Making others happy.
Personal hero: My dad, because he takes me everywhere and gets me anything I want.
When I grow up I want to: Be an engineer because I like building stuff.
“I Am Poem”
I am a kind, loving, young, big, silly brother.
I wonder if I will grow?
I hear people talking at home.
I see people sad and happy everywhere I go.
I want my life to be simpler.
I am a kind, loving, young, big, silly brother.
I pretend I am an engineer at home.
I feel protected by my friends, family, and teachers.
I touch bags filled with tons of candy,
I worry that I might die.
I cry when someone dies.
I am a kind, loving, young, big, silly brother.
I understand I am annoying.
I say everyone is something.
I try to be brave when I am in the dark.
I dream to be someone special.
I hope to be a kind loving son to my parents.
I am a kind, loving, young, big, silly brother.
Lea’on AbbotAge: 13
Secret talent: Playing video games.
Idea of perfect happiness: Chilling and talking out your problems.
Personal hero: My dad, because most parents would let their kids do whatever they want, but he helps me with my homework and works out any problems I have.
When I grow up I want to: Join the Marine Corps because my uncle was in the Army and my dad was in the Army and I want to be a Marine and break that line of Army men.
I’m like a rapper that snaps like candy
wrapper. I’m like math; I’m wondering
how many times I filled the bath.
I’m like cash that is smashed and stashed.
I’m like digital camo ready to hide so nobody knows.
I’m like a puppet in a show although that’s really all you
need to know.
Simranjeet BenipalAge: 17
Secret talent: To perform under pressure.
Idea of perfect happiness: Making my family happy, being healthy and studying hard.
Personal hero: Hrithik Roshan. When I was a child I used to watch his movies and he's pretty well built, and during my teenage years I chose to get in shape and I found him inspiring.
When I grow up I want to: Be successful, happily married, and live with no regrets.
I once thought thee an everlasting high.
Like a bird, I thought, I am free.
Yet I stand wondering, remaining shy,
if thou art the problem or me.
Similar interests. Similar ambitions. Ideal.Millions, strike that, billions of targets, fling thy dart.
So many options, my heart she did steal.
Hated past in hopes of a new start.
Move on, move on, they say,
to other fish. Not personable just lean.As I look on, for another rare fish in the bay
to the end of the horizons, no match is seen.
As long as I am here, I will wait.
But I lurk behind helplessly, dreading my mind’s estate.
Michael HalleyAge: 17
Secret talent: Writing! Especially poetry and prose. I can string together words into a rhythmic pattern.
Idea of perfect happiness: A comfortable lifestyle with a well-paying career that highlights my talent, plus a modern family in the suburbs.
Personal hero: Vsauce, a YouTuber who educates and entertains his audience on common and uncommon worldly issues.
When I grow up I want to: Be an entertainer and a businessman and an educator. I want the ability to interact socially with others and provide a venue of excitement, wonder and individuality.
Hear the world through my ears
Smell the world through my nose
Taste the world through my tongue
Allow the euphoria to wash over like waves on the beach
calm and refined
a butterfly in the rain
a snowflake in the summer.
Glazed eyes, acute mind
standing in a crowd
yet nowhere to be found
Oppression of lies
Revelation of truth
Dawn of night and dusk of day
Lips of the mute
Pencil loquacious
Respectively ambiguous
Yet, delirious
Somehow taken serious
Emotions written are furious
Open mind is curious
Rationality and technicalities
Spell the world’s reality
Taketh thy hand
Capture scribe truly grand
An internal play
A soliloquy
Such is the meaning of poetry.