IMAX Hubble 3D

The IMAX 3D cameras blast into orbit with the space shuttle Atlantis to tune up and refurbish the Hubble Space Telescope. Writer-director Toni Myers intersperses scenes of the astronauts at work and play with some humbling and breathtaking shots of the views Hubble has given us of galaxies trillions of miles away. It’s a truly amazing trip, and Myers and her crew provide deep-space views processed into 3-D images of places that certainly none of us will ever see in person. The movie becomes at time almost a series of abstract-expressionist images, like something by 1960s experimental filmmaker Jordan Belson, only these images are real—or they were, billions of years ago, when their light started moving our way. The only shortcoming is Leonardo DiCaprio’s callow—and ultimately environagging—narration.