Illegally legal

Giving driver’s licenses to individuals who are in California illegally is not only a bad idea, it’s against the law. Or rather, it was. Now, what was illegal behavior is legal, and immigrants who have sacrificed and worked hard to become Americans are slapped in the face by the double standard of their government. How is this right?
As Californians, we are fair, and for the most part, law-abiding folks. We like our diversity and appreciate the hard work of all the people that make our state function. But what we don’t like is politicians telling us—in an obvious grab for various special interests’ favor—that we must undermine the laws of our nation and state, and for the sake of a certain governor’s political career, redefine the term “immigrants” to include even those who enter our country illegally.
Immigrants do not knowingly break the law; illegals do. Immigrants want to become Americans, study hard and scrape together what it takes to make their dream a reality. Illegals do it differently. And yet some politicians attempt to make the two the same, even though they are not.
Perhaps we can stand against this new perversion of the legal process and stand for the lawful immigrants who, like our own grandparents or great-grandparents, came to America legitimately and intentionally.
It is not discriminatory to insist that people follow the law. It is not wrong to defend the immigrants who took the time and effort to enter our society the right way. It is not racist to distinguish between law abiders and lawbreakers.
It is wrong, however, to change the game on our many immigrant neighbors who are here legally, and it’s wrong to tell the rest that it’s OK to break the law.
Our fellow citizens are organizing a grassroots effort to overturn this unfair law. Visit for more information and to help people prevail over the politicians.