If you must

Joe Craven, overjoyed at being safely on stage and away from the holiday shopping mob.
Countless renditions of A Christmas Carol should have taught us that material possessions are less important than love. Nonetheless, most of us feel compelled to express our love for others by purchasing large amounts of material possessions every holiday season. If you’re committed to holiday gift buying, might I suggest minimizing the insanity of the yuletide shopping experience by attending the 18th annual Auburn Christmas Festival? By shopping early, you can leisurely browse the offerings of 200 craft vendors. The festival’s live entertainment, including the Celtic tunes of Golden Bough, jugglers, Santa’s elves and the Joe Craven Band, beats the mall’s relentless repetition of Muzak’s Ultimate Holiday Experience any day. Festival hours are Saturday from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Admission is $6 for adults and $1 for children. Find the festivities at the Gold Country Fairgrounds, at 1273 High Street, in Auburn. Call (530) 823-4533 for information.