A Steady Rain

Dave Pierini and Kurt Johnson star in Keith Huff's dark drama about the complex relationship between two lifelong friends—Chicago cops—when violence, affairs and a killer cannibal muck things up. Lyndsay Burch's direction is swift and sure, and Ron Madonia's punchy lighting design effectively illuminates Huff's script. Joey and Denny (Pierini and Johnson, respectively) play the cops as crisis unfolds in a series of he-said, she-said recollections, monologues, dialogues and addresses to the audience. Ultimately, one cop will “win,” and one will not, but it's hard to cheer the outcome. In A Steady Rain, moral ambiguity reigns. Tu, W, Th, F 7pm; Th 2pm; Sa 8pm; Su 1pm. Through 6/15. $23-$35. B Street Theatre, 2727 B St.; (916) 443-5300; www.bstreetheatre.org.