Honey, I collaged the SMUD bill

Mark Fox Morgan, untitled, mixed-media collage.
While sitting in your skivvies playing some online D&D ripoff for days, you got so sucked into medieval times, you forgot to pay your electric bill. The drop-dead notice got pinned to your door, and now your gaming activities will grind to a screeching halt unless you get over to SMUD’s Customer Service Center at 6301 S Street immediately. Fortunately, the unsettling experience is mollified by the presence of some rather large collages inside the imposing po-mo edifice. They sprung from the imagination of local artist Mark Fox Morgan, and they will be on display Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. through 6 p.m., through April 3. There’s even a reception on Friday, March 7, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.