Have a Horrible day!

Revelers from last year’s Horribles Street Fair flying their freak flags.
Lest you mistake me for a common misanthrope (I’m far from common), allow me to explain the preceding ejaculation. The second annual Horribles Art & Music Street Fair will be held at St. Rose of Lima Park, at the corner of Seventh and J streets, on Saturday, July 9, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Based on older European traditions, the Parade of Horribles became a staple of 19th-century American holiday celebrations such as New Year’s, as with Philly’s Mummers Parade or, more commonly, on the Fourth of July, when revelers celebrated their freedoms by dressing in outrageous costumes. The event was resurrected in Sacramento last year to great success, featuring food, games and live music all day. Admission is free, but a portion of the proceeds from participating vendors will go to Food Not Bombs, which provides free vegan meals to the homeless. Get your costume ready and join the “parade.”