Hardcore questions

That’s not a vein in his neck, Mike Hood just swallowed the singer from Fall Out Boy.
How have Sacramento’s Hoods gone for so long without poking an eye out? Why aren’t people more concerned that there aren’t a lot of hardcore shows around here anymore? Is it that hardcore was replaced by softcore, like math rock and art punk? Hopefully not, but wouldn’t that be a waste of PA systems? As Sacramento’s new Mayor Kevin Johnson vies for power and peppers our city with fancy little Euro lounges and other places convenient for cheating on your wife, will he remember Hoods? When Mike Hood grows into a senior citizen, will people still be scared of him? If he married a girl named Inna, would she change her name to Inna Hood? How about a girl named Mercedes? Will you attend this show to watch one of the greatest, most aggressive and intense bands to give Sacramento international fame?