Happy Foodgiving!

Illustration by serene lusano
It's time to get serious about holiday cooking. Take into consideration the Vegan Thanksgiving cooking class by Emily Honeycutt on Thursday, November 19, because there's always at least one family member who's surprised you won't eat turkey after 14 years of veganism. Honeycutt's class includes seasonally appropriate dishes that vegans may nonchalantly slide onto the feast table without disclosing that the pumpkin spice cheesecake or herbed chickpea croquettes with porcini mushroom gravy are vegan, because labels create division, don't they, Drunk Uncle? The lesson includes a shredded kale salad with cranberry-citrus vinaigrette and roasted delicata squash with pecan and cranberry wild rice stuffing. So what if Dad thinks these aren't traditional —what's wrong with new traditions? Sign up at www.sacfoodcoop.com ($35-$45, 6 p.m. at the Sacramento Natural Food Co-op's Community Learning Center, 1914 Alhambra Boulevard) and practice being grateful—yeah, even for Drunk Uncle.