Happy birthday, America

Nothing says American culture quite like being strapped to a bucking bronco.
Community Park
1900 Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy.Chico, CA 95928
Elk Grove Regional Park
Elk Grove Boulevard And Elk Grove-Florin Rd.Elk Grove, CA 95624
Hagan Park
2197 Chase Dr.Rancho Cordova, CA 95826
The best part of Fourth of July is the three-day weekend.
Sure, Americans are proud to honor the foundations on which this country was built. Yet as with any holiday, it has shifted to a consumer-driven celebration. People buy cheap red, white and blue party favors, consume mass quantities of hot dogs, wear American-flag T-shirts, shoot off the loudest and brightest fireworks possible and savor three days of freedom from their jobs. It’s Independence Day—21st-century style.
For those who want to celebrate Fourth of July the old-fashioned way, check out the 50th celebration of Folsom Pro Rodeo from Friday, July 2, through Sunday, July 4. There will be traditional rodeo activities such as roping and riding competitions. But there also will be musical entertainment and a massive fireworks-and-laser show. Tickets are $19 for adults and $15 for children 12 and younger. For more information, visit www.folsomprorodeo.com.
For those don’t like to mix the smell of firework smoke with the aroma of cattle, check out these nonrodeo-related Fourth of July celebrations:
Star Spangled Weekend: Rancho Cordova definitely goes all out for Fourth of July celebrations. There will be a carnival July 1-4, a parade, live music, a beer garden and fireworks. Sa, 7/3-Su, 7/4. Hagan Park, 2197 Chase Dr.; (916) 851-8188; www.ranchocordovajuly4th.com.
Sacramento Independence Day Celebration: Featuring Mick Martin and the Blues Rockers at 6:30 p.m. Fireworks begin at 9:30 p.m. Su, 7/4, 6:30pm. Admission is free; parking on the fairgrounds is $10. Cal Expo, 1600 Exposition Blvd.; (916) 263-3000; www.calexpo.com.
Independence Day in the People’s Republic of Davis: There will food and game booths; a championship softball tournament; poetry; fireworks; and live music by Yolo Mambo, Duval Speck and more. Free. Su, 7/4, 3-9:30pm. Community Park, 1405 F St. in Davis; (530) 757-5626; http://cityofdavis.org/cs/events/july4.cfm.
Salute to the Red, White & Blue: The 14th annual fireworks show at Elk Grove Regional Park. Festivities such as live music, entertainment, children’s area and food vendors open at 3 p.m. Fireworks begin at 9:30 p.m. Admission is free; parking is $10. Su, 7/4, 3-10pm. Elk Grove Regional Park, 9950 Elk Grove-Florin Rd. in Elk Grove; www.elkgrovecity.org/rwb.