Happy 420
Holiday! Celebrate! What are you doing this Friday?

America’s best unofficial holiday is 4/20. Mardi Gras, St. Patrick’s Day and Cinco de Mayo may be bigger—and way drunker and more violent—but April 20 has the best vibes; when was the last time you saw two potheads in a fight? The clubs have great deals and specials—and long lines, like shopping-on-the-day-after-Thanksgiving long; Green Friday anyone?—and there are all kinds of different happenings and concerts. And stuff. Because 4/20 culture is really just a mix of other cultures, with cannabis rolled in.
Back in the day, events on 4/20 were kind of secret and underground. But as marijuana has become more mainstream, so have the festivities. You don’t even have to use cannabis to enjoy these events. But it couldn’t hurt.
Green Screen
Face it: Weed and movies go together like, well, weed and movies. Sacramento’s own Apprehensive Films is digging into the archives for a late-night movie fest like no other. The 420 Triple Feature takes a trip down memory lane with some of the best, most idiotic, hilarious and downright absurd “educational” films on the subject of marijuana use. The three films are Drug Addiction (1951), Keep off the Grass (1969) and Marijuana (1968), featuring Sonny Bono. Comedican (and non-cannabis user) Keith Lowell Jensen is the host. Crest Theatre, 1013 K Street; doors at 10:15 p.m., movies start at 11 p.m.; $10.50; all ages; www.thecrest.com.
Arden Park Roots’ big 4/20 jam
It’s Midtown’s premier 4/20 party. There will be tunes from Sleeprockers, Live Manikins and Arden Park Roots at this Friday-night celebration at Harlow’s. Selekta Lou will be deejaying all day, and there will be art and dancing, of course. The first 100 people in the door get prizes and gifts. High holidays, indeed. It starts at 4:20 p.m. and goes all night. This is also a good place to find and sign the Committee for Safe Patient Access to Regulated Cannabis ballot-measure petition to bring medical-cannabis dispensaries back to Sacramento County. Harlow’s, 2708 J Street; 4:20 p.m.; $24 for an all-day pass, $12 for Arden Park Roots; 21 and over; www.harlows.com; www.saccannmove.org
Stoney Sleepover
Because “trees” is slang for cannabis, I giggle every time I hear someone say City of Trees. Out west of Sacramento, the Rio Ramaza Marine RV & Event Park (home of the Pirate Fest and Sacramento Hempfest), will be hosting a three-day reggae and music extravaganja this weekend. Heavyweights Mystic Roots, Pyrx, La Noche Oskura and many more bands will be there. you can camps out and enjoy tunes from Squarefield Massive and King of Hearts. Leaf the Comedian will also be there to host and emcee. Friday, April 20, through Sunday, April 22, at the Rio Ramaza Marina RV & Event Park, 10000 Garden Highway; 4 p.m.; $25-$60; all ages; www.cityoftreesmusicfestival.info.
Smoke out them roaches
<iframe width="540" height="304" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hg-9oSGtCtU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>First let me say that Ace of Spades is booking great shows (Childish Gambino was recently there). And Roach Gigz is a good emcee. He’s got that Lil B, Kreayshawn-type style, but with a little 4-Tay thrown in. Check out the video for “Gina” on YouTube, then go seem him live. Friday, April 20, Ace of Spaces, 1417 R Street; 8 p.m.; $12; all ages; www.aceofspacessac.com.
First-person joker
Some guy named Ngaio Bealum will be headlining the Punch Line Comedy Club on April 19. you’ve seen him—me, yes, it is weird, me talking about myself. Just go with it—on TV, you’ve head him on the Doug Benson podcasts. And now you can see him live. Bealum has more pot jokes than Cheech. And Chong. This show is a great way to kick off your 4/20 weekend. You aren’t going to work on Friday, anyway. It’s a holiday. Thursday, April 19, at the Punch Line Comedy Club in the Howe ’bout Arden shopping center, 2100 Arden Way; 8 p.m.; $15; 18 and over; www.punchlinesac.com.