Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour in Disney Digital 3D

With the success of the Disney Channel sitcom about the normal teenager (Miley Cyrus, daughter of Billy Ray) whose secret identity is a rock superstar, a concert tour was inevitable—and, given the Disney marketing genius, a 3-D movie of the tour was an equally sure thing. Young Cyrus does the first half as Hannah Montana, the second as herself, and director Bruce Hendricks packages the show to reinforce the illusion of being at a live concert. Young Cyrus seems to have some talent to go along with her youthful vivacity, and she and her perky backup group are breezily at ease selling their parade of medium-catchy bubblegum tunes. At 74 minutes, the movie is short and (in every sense) sweet, calculated not to tax the attention spans of Hannah’s youngest fans, nor to strain the patience of their parents.