Guilty pleasure—or maybe just guilty

Remember, when you mess with her, you mess with the whole trailer park!
Veterans Memorial Amphitheatre
7991 California Ave.Fair Oaks, CA 95628

Strange things are going on in Armadillo Acres, the white-trash trailer park where this tongue-in-cheek musical is set. The story involves a fading stripper (Analise Langford-Clark) who starts an affair the miserable husband next door (Dan Slauson), whose agoraphobic wife (Brianne Hidden) has been hiding in their trailer for years. There are mildly bawdy episodes in the grits ’n’ tits vein, with one-liners referencing TV shows and consumer goods. Veteran director Bob Irvin bills describes this as a “guilty pleasure,” but many jokes are bland, blunt or both. The songs are throwaways with lyrics like “My marriage is in the hands of the Tydee-Bowl Man.” The show adopts a PG-13 for language and cleavage—this teasing musical may be set in Starke, Fla., but nobody gets naked.
The Great American Trailer Park Musical; 7:30 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday; $13-$15. Fair Oaks Theatre Festival at the Veterans Memorial Amphitheatre, 7991 California Avenue in Fair Oaks Village; (916) 966-3683; Through September 11.